Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This Weeks Records...

Saturday Carlos and Michelle hit the workout HARD and got some PRs s well!

3 cleans on the minute for 5 minutes at 75%
2 cleans on the minute for 5 minutes at 85%
1 clean on the minute for 5 minutes at 90%

Carlos got to 203#!!!
Michelle got to 88#!!! nicely done guys!

Monday started at 5 am with Buck and Jen training at Maxim in Scotts Valley. Jen hit a PR on her bench press 5 rep for 107# and Buck lifted heavier for a 5 rep than he did since his shoulder surgery, which is awesome! 125# for 5 reps !!

Erron hit a PR in his 1 rep max jerk at 180#
Lisa hit a PR in her 1 rep max jerk at 100#
Teresa also had a great day hitting a PR in her bench press 5 rep at 90# and 94# for 4 reps!!

Tuesday started off right at 5am AGAIN with some PRs:

Matt did a 5 rep bench press at 155# his old was 145!!
Mary did a 5 rep shoulder press PR at 65#
Kathy did a 5 rep box squat at 90# (her old was 80)

Everybody is doing so great and getting stronger as well as breathing better in the endurance workouts I've been programing for you. I have been giving homework to Bo to ready him for his upcoming 50k and he's finding the time to hit it hard as well as make his sessions for CrossFit. Super stoked on him and his improvements he's making.

1 mile time trial ALL OUT EFFORT on 7% grade treadmill. rest 10 minutes, then 2 mile easy tempo run for time.

That's all the catching up for today - more tomorrow and more recipes as well :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zoned Turkey Chicken Chili

This recipe is an oldie but a goodie. Teresa has had this one a few times and my x husband Randy still makes it as well. Yummy dinner and lunch for a few days.

Turkey and Chicken Chili

1 large onion, chopped then sauted in olive oil.
1 cup chopped carrotts and 1 cup chopped celery
1 cup sliced green/red/yellow peppers
1 1/2 lbs ground turkey
2 chicken breasts, skinless boneless
2 - 15 oz can tomatoe sauce
1/2 cup red wine
2- 30 oz cans stewed tomatoes or whole tomatoes
1 15 oz can kidney beans optional
salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, sea salt.

saute diced veggies with olive oil until tendar. remove from pan and set aside. Spray pan with cooking spray and add ground turkey and diced up chicken breasts. Cook until almost done. Add back diced veggies along with red wine, tomatoes and garlic and spices. bring to boil.

simmer on low for 1 hour with top off. add kidney beans and simmer for another 15 minutes. turn off heat and let rest for 10 minutes before eating. Top with diced scallions. NO CHEESE although that would be delicious!

Bake gluten free cornbread to package instructions and enjoy a yummy guilt free meal thats great for you!

Im CrossFit and I KNow It......

Catchy Title. Check out my facebook for the video pertaining to the title...you'll definitely laugh your asses off! It's been a little while since Ive posted your workout results with amazing pictures, and I know how much you all love reading about what you've accomplished - so I'm sorry. I'll play a game of catch up right now.

Friday Megan kicked off the start of the weekend with her very first DOUBLE UNDERS! Check her out catching some air!! Misty did a fantastic workout along with her first ROPE CLIMBS!!! Amazing job girlies!!

I however did nothing super amazing except cook this delicious agave crusted salmon for dinner. Ignore the jalapeno coconut rice on the side please and focus ALLLL your attention on the yummy hunk of fish and vast green salad. Yum Yum!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Laughing My ASS OFF!!!

So I follow a Blog Called Pioneer Woman and the woman is hilarious!! This is her latest post. Im SURE you all can relate to this one!!!

Yesterday Marlboro Man and I ran to the big city to shop for his mom and grandma, to pick up a couple of last-minute things for the kids, and to be alone together and have one-on-one conversation without our four precious children, our hungry, demanding cattle herd, or our two malodorous Basset Hounds needing something. And we didn’t “run” to the big city, we drove, which brings me to my point: part of the topic of conversation in Marlboro Man’s pickup was our new wintertime plan—which is to start today—of getting out of bed at 5:00 am so that we can spend an hour working out together before the kids get up and before Marlboro Man needs to go feed cattle. This conversation began after I spent ten minutes lamenting how jiggly I am after a summer and fall of cooking constantly for my cookbook, filming two seasons of a cooking show, and discovering the joys of semi-soft unripened cheeses.
“My jeans are tight, my back fat is violent…” I said. “And I’m at the point where I either need to buy bigger jeans or do something drastic.” So Marlboro Man calmly and without agreeing with my back fat lamentations, which is why I’ll keep him, laid out his prescription of early morning exercise, and committed to joining me in my new fitness regimen so I wouldn’t have to go it alone. Of course, he didn’t empathize much. He is chiseled out of granite and weighs the same as he did when he was seventeen. Not that I’m complaining. Granite’s my favorite.
Two-thirds of the way to the big city, I asked Marlboro Man to pull off the highway and stop at a very busy convenience store so that I could get some coffee. I’m nursing an upper respiratory infection and had been feeling a little draggy, plus the conversation about my getting up at five to work out for an hour really wore me out. So we both went into the convenience store: Marlboro Man headed to the refrigerated case to get a can (not a bottle, as bottles don’t taste right) of Dr Pepper and I headed to the coffee area to fill a large cup with the nectar of life.
It took me awhile to fill my cup because this particular convenience store has a beautiful run of coffee options. You can get French Roast, Columbia Roast, Breakfast Blend, Kona Blend…not to mention all sorts of little squirts of flavor and shots of different forms of cream. I want this coffee area in my house, is what I’m saying. So I stood there and decanted, squirted and decanted some more until I had a great big ol’ cup of beautiful convenience store coffee that was likely extremely caloric but I only had one more day before my new exercise program so I figured I’d go out with a bang.
I headed toward the register. I could see Marlboro Man standing there waiting for me so he could pay for his Dr Pepper and my coffee together because he’s chivalrous that way, and because he has never known me to have a single dollar of cash on my person. The store was packed with other patrons, because it’s a choice location on a busy highway and because it’s an incredibly nice convenience store that offers many coffee choices, many wiener/hot dog choices…and doughnuts. Along my journey to the front of the store, I passed the very large, very impressive and beautiful glass doughnut case and was accosted by a very large, very crisp-and-sweet-looking apple fritter on the top shelf. It tapped me on the shoulder, then it reached out its long, evil fingers and said “Come…come to me.”
Without thinking, I removed an individual square of paper from the dispenser and reached for the knob of the window that was separating me from the apple fritter. I say without thinking because I somehow had completely pushed the entire conversation I’d just had with Marlboro Man about my back fat out of my consciousness. Or if it was at all in my consciousness, I must have rationalized it by reminding myself that I only had one more day to party before my 5 a.m. boot camp began, or even that apple fritters are actually a healthy doughnut option. They have fruit in them, after all.
I pulled the knob to the right, thinking the door would slide to open, but it met with a tiny bit of resistance. I had Christmas shopping on my mind—what size top I should get Edna Mae and how I wanted to find a perfume counter and sniff all the men’s cologne—so I inexplicably pulled backward on the knob, possibly thinking that the door opened by flipping up rather than sliding over. Then, suddenly, a horrible sound crashed through the heavily trafficked convenience store when the entire tempered glass front of the beautiful doughnut case shattered into thirteen million tiny, sparkly pieces. The sound was deafening and seemed to happen in slow motion, as if a house of glass sitting on a frozen lake had fallen down wall by wall. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. Glass was everywhere: in the doughnuts, on the floor, in the adjacent sandwich case, in my boots, into which I’d tucked my jeans. And the small stainless knob was still in my hand.
Customers ran over to see what had happened, my husband among them. And when he saw me standing there in the middle of a sea of tempered glass, a small knob in my hand, the now-exposed array of doughnuts right in front of me, and a look of horror and confusion on my face, he had but two questions for me:
“Are you okay?
“What happened?”
“I wanted a doughnut.”
By now the manager, assistant manager, cashier, assistant cashier, and probably all their friends and relatives had rushed over to the scene. The manager wanted to first make sure I was okay.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” the nice gentleman said. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
Still holding the knob, I answered, “Yes. My pride is hurt. It is badly, badly injured.”
But other than that, I told him, I was totally fine, and may I please borrow a broom and a shop vac so I can whisk all this away and pretend it never happened? I noticed a woman out of the corner of my eye. She had her hand over her mouth.
“Oh, we’ll take care of it,” the manager said. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m absolutely fine,” I insisted. “I am so, so sorry. I don’t know what happened. One minute I was reaching for an apple fritter…the next minute…” I shook my head in disbelief.
“It’s perfectly okay, ma’am,” he reassured me. “This has actually happened once before.”
I immediately felt better. I’m not the only person who’d shattered the doughnut case at this convenience store. All was suddenly better now. But then I did something I can’t explain. I instinctively began reaching for the apple fritter. I don’t think I actually had any control over this action. I didn’t logically believe I should get the apple fritter; I think it was a desperate attempt to just carry on and pretend the whole thing hadn’t happened. Or maybe I really just wanted a doughnut.
That’s when the assistant manager stepped in. “Oh, ma’am…you can’t have a doughnut now,” she said.
I know she was just trying to protect my gastrointestinal tract from glass shards, but at the time she said it I felt like a little girl who had just been grounded from round, delightful yeast treats. It took me a minute to realize she was just gently reminding me not to hurt myself. My face felt hot.
After several minutes of offering to help clean up and insisting on paying for the broken glass and trying to figure out what country I was going to move to once I left the store, I finally made my way to the counter so that Marlboro Man could finally pay for my coffee. But when we got there, the cashier held up his hand and said, “Don’t worry about it—no charge.” I think he wanted me to leave as soon as humanly possible.
When we got in Marlboro Man’s pickup and continued on our trip to the big city, I looked at Marlboro Man, who had a look on his face that I’ll never be able to describe. It was the look of a husband who is married to a complete klutz who complains about her tight jeans then stops at a convenience store and shatters a doughnut case while trying to retrieve an apple fritter. It was the look of a husband who has seen his wife fall down, run into doors, use the wrong remote control to change channels on the TV, and wear her black leggings inside out for an entire day without knowing. It was the look of a husband who had just filed another incident into his vault of similar moments…and who couldn’t wait to remind me of it the next time we’re driving together and I say I want to pull over and get coffee.
“You’re…funny,” he said, reaching over and squeezing my knee, which made me squeal.
Then we continued to the city and went Christmas shopping.
As for lessons I learned from this incident, I took away two:
1. That’s what I get for trying to eat a doughnut.
2. I’m never leaving the house again.
I hope you all have a joyful day. Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Pioneer Woman

Thursday PRs

Thursday had a lot of PRs in store fr most of you. We started the day at 5 am with Matt and Mary KILLING it on Box Squats. Matt did 3 rep PR at 210#!! (old was 190) and Mary stayed with 10 reps at 95# to stay safe for little baby :). I can't believe how strong Mary is while being pregnate. Her pregnancy hasn't held her back from much at CrossFit. She lifts within reason, rows, climbs rope (until recently) and does some great workout. I am CONVINCED that keeping in motion while expecting is THE absolute best thing she can be doing for herself and for her baby. Not to mention she is in training for the toughest event of her life - which also is the happiest moment of her life. I am beyond proud of Mary and honored to be in charge of her training during this important time :)

Matt - you KILLED todays wod brother! You are gaining super strength and it's going to keep climbing up! Way to go!

Cari, Marian and Gia did an endurance WOD today:
800 meter run, 30 clean thrusters
800 meter run, 30 hang power cleans
800 meter run , 30 deadlifts
800 meter run....all with dumbells. They all finished under 25 minutes! Great lungs girls!!!

Carlos and Michelle attacked a barbell complex workout today with similar movements : clean thrusters, hpc, and jerks.
Most important MICHELLE GOT HER FIRST ROPE CLIMB TODAY!! Not only did she get 1----she got THREE!!! And all the way to the top too! I jumped up and down, hugged her and may of even spanked her on the butt in excitement while she headed out the door for her run. What a goof ball. Sometimes I think I get more excited than you guys do!!! :) YAY!!!!

Way to hit it hard today troop!! Super proud of my peeps!

Suffering With The Prowler

I apologize for putting many of you through a nasty prowler workout this week. Most of you crippled under the beast - but finished STRONG despite gasping for air. That shows amazing strength and lung capacity and even more - it shows determination to finish what you started!! I LOVE THAT! I was very proud of all my hard core Prowler pushers!


Prowler suicide races x 3 rounds

30-20-10 knees to elbows
down ups, kb swings.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crock Pot Time...

Enchilada Chicken Stew
4.6 from 5 reviews
Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 8 hours Total time: 8 hours 10 mins Serves: 4-6
2lbs chicken breasts
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 (4oz) can of chopped jalapenos
1 (4oz) can of chopped green chiles
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 (14oz) can of diced tomatoes
1 (7 oz) can tomato sauce
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
2 teaspoons dried oregano
salt and pepper, to taste
bundle of cilantro, to garnish
avocado, to garnish
Pull out your handy dandy crockpot.
Add your chicken breasts.
Then add the rest of the ingredients on top, in any order.
Put on low for 8-10 hours or high for 6-8.
After it’s done cooking, use tongs to pick at the chicken to shred it in with all the ingredients.
Top with cilantro and some avocado.
Eat up!!

Valentines Paleo Style..

Satisfy your sweet tooth and cuddle up next to your honey while keeping your diet in check. I know I know...sugar is sugar and we should avoid it. HOWEVER....Valentines Day is coming and these brownies taste better than ANY Paleo desert Ive ever had. Seriously. Make them. Make LOTS!! We'll work it off on Wednesday :)

Cake-like Brownies

1 (16) ounce jar salted almond butter, smooth roasted
2 eggs
1¼ cups agave nectar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
½ cup cacao powder
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt

In a large bowl, blend almond butter until smooth with a hand blender [it will have separated in the jar].
Blend in eggs.
Blend in agave and vanilla.
Fold in cacao
Blend in salt and baking soda [want it mixed in well].
Fold in chocolate chips.
Grease a 9x13 inch Pyrex baking dish
Pour batter into dish [it will be stickier than traditional brownie mix].
Bake at 325° for 35-40 minutes [same timing for brownie edge pan].

Makes about 24 brownies


Gluten Free Brownies w/ Coconut Oil

5 ounces high quality dark chocolate
1/2 cup Organic Coconut Oil
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons organic light brown sugar
1/2 cup almond meal
1/4 cup brown rice flour
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 organic free-range eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon bourbon vanilla*

1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts, if desired
Dark chocolate chips for the top, if desired

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8x8-inch square baking pan with foil and lightly oil the bottom.

Melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil in a saucepan over low heat, gently stirring. (Or melt in a microwave safe measuring cup and stir together to combine.)

In a mixing bowl whisk together the brown sugar, almond meal, brown rice flour, fine sea salt and baking soda. Make a well in the center and add the beaten eggs, vanilla extract and melted dark chocolate mixture. Beat on low-medium for two minutes, until the batter begins to come together. At first it will seem thin, like cake batter, but keep beating until it thickens and becomes smooth and glossy.

If you are adding nuts, stir in the nuts by hand and spread the batter into the prepared baking pan. Even out the batter with a silicone spatula.
Stud the top with some dark chocolate chips and press in slightly.
Bake in the center of a preheated 350 degree F oven for 32 to 35 minutes, or until the brownies are set. The top will crack, like a flourless chocolate cake.
Cool on a wire rack; and remove the cooled brownies from the pan by gripping the foil edges and lifting the brownies out as a whole.
Chill for an hour before cutting. (Though warm and gooey is really divine, if you don't mind them falling apart.)
Yield: 12-16 servings

*For chocolate-mint brownies use 1 teaspoon peppermint extract and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Gettin FILTHY on Saturday

Saturday I have a few clients that want to end their week of training and start their weekend off feeling good about enjoying a cheat day with their diets. Carlos and Michelle walked into the "Filthy 50" and hit it hard! Carlos never did the benchmark WOD before and finished in 27:11 doing the workout as Rxd. Michelle opted for the Dirty 30 (30 reps of each exercise instead of 50) for her first go at the chipper. She completed the wod in 13:30 -----which tells me that she could have definitely done the full reps. No worries next time for sure!!! They maintained great form throughout the burley workout, which is challenging given that you are doing 50 reps of numerous movements before moving on to the next one.

Corinne has been making HUGE gains in her ability to breathe and keep moving without taking breaks. We ALL remember how hard it was to not stop when eveything inside of us is saying "I can't breathe! I need rest!"--- she is getting comfortable being uncomfortable and this ability will take her very far in CrossFit. After all, pain is weakness leaving the body ----- :) Remember THAT the next time you see me writing on the whiteboard.

Corinne did 20 reps of each movement and next month she will do 30 of each, and soon 50 of each. She also moved incredibly well and GOT HER DOUBLE UNDERS!!!! She finished the long wod with 20 double unders---- what an accomplishment!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Man Eaters!!

Here's some more PRs from this week!


Bo hit a HUGE 1 rep shoulder press PR at 113# (old was 105) and followed it up with a gnarley workout:
10 unbroken deadlifts at 195#, 6 maneaters, 50 single jump rope x 3 rounds...11:33 he kept moving and really pushed those deadlifts! GREAT WORK :)

Jen did dynamic Effort bench pressing for 2 reps x 6 sets at 89# first, then hit the above WOD but with back squats instead of deadlifts at 120# finishing at 8:38. I was impressed and she set the bar high for me for when I would attack the workout later in the day - trying to keep up with her!

Megan hit a 2 rep shoulder press PR at 78# (old was 75)
Gia hit a 2 rep shoulder press PR at 68# (old was 63) then hit the above WOD but with deadlifts at 125# for Megan finishing at 10:39, and 95# for Gia finishing at 11:41. Both girls KILLED it and pushed through !


Kathy did a PR in her Jerk at 73# for 3 reps!!! Her old was 68....
Carlos and Michelle worked on their power clean skills (and did sooo great) Michelle did a wod with 63# while Carlos hit 115#.


Corinne killed her 1 rep shoulder press at 64# her old recorded effort being 53#...WOW!

Everybody did pressing and back squats for high reps this week as well as pushing some hard breathing WODs. You ALL are gaining strength and getting your breathing down. The rests in the middle of workouts are now minimal, and the weights are climbing! I know I am sneaky with what I add on your bars - but thanks for at least trusting me and attempting the weight that I want you to reach for. The gains are here and it is showing that you are all improving!!! We only have forward to progress. Remember that the next time you approach the barbell.

Have a great weekend you all deserve it! Enjoy the pics from this weeks hard work

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Endurance Arsonel...

I use Max Muscles MaxPro protein for my post workout shake. I gave my kale shake recipe earlier and this is the protein I use to make that delicious power packed snack.

I mix Max Muscles Glutamine, with a scoop of the BCAA powder to my water for drinking while training. If Im doing a long run (longer than an hour) Ill put a scoop of Cytomax in there as well. My coach Carl told me about the new Cytomax formula and I LOVE IT! Give it a try for your longer training scheduled runs.

I also take Advocare products and have been for aboiut 4 years now. I SWEAR by the three you see here. Catalyst, Thermo (fat burner) and the co2 Gold. I take the Thermo a couple times a day just to help with fat burning, the Catalyst gives me energy prior to training and throughout the day...the Co2 Gold I take prior to runs...

Last but not least the very important Fish oil and Calcium/Magnesium blend liquid supplements. I take fish oil every day just a Tablespoon 2x a day and the Calcium I actually bought for my son but I love the taste so I take it also :) Can't hurt since i don't drink milk or eat ANY dairy!!
Even if you are eating Paleo, or Zone or just Clean Eating - as an endurance athlete you require more than just the nutrients in the delicious foods you eat. Here are the tricks I have up my sleeve - my "little helpers" , my "teammates" that help me have the edge I need to train hard and recover fast.

What are the supplements that you take? And why?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Starting February Off With Some Personal Records!!!

As we approach spring and all the races and events each of us have planned - I am increasing your intensity, and programming a lot of strength into your sessions. I'm sure most of you have caught on to the madness by now....maybe it's how sore your bodies are when you pour yourself into bed or maybe it's the huge smile on your face after training and hitting a PR !! Either way I'm once again amazed by each of you reaching the bar that I set so high. I KNOW you can reach the little goals I have planned for you. So just trust me. It'll only hurt for a little while :)


Megan hit a big PR on her 5 rep Front Squat - doing 115# across for a 5x5. (her old 5x5 across was 100)
Gia had a PR doing 85# for a 5 rep front squat. (her old was 83)
Teresa also PRd on her 5 rep front squat hitting 85# (her old was 80)
Corinne PRd her 5 rep Front Squat at 80# (her old was 73#) She also KILLED her workout with such great breathing I was clapping and cheering for her the whole workout! It sure looks like Corinnes diet and nutrition is all in order because her strength has been increasing and now her cardio has increased as well. WAY TO GO !!! (also thanks for bringing me a delicious kale smoothie)


Marian Prd her 5 rep front squat hitting 95# (old was 85#)
Tiffany PRd her 5 rep Front Squat at 80# (her old was 75#)
Cari PRd her 5 rep Front Squat at 75# (we didn't have a recorded effort for her)

Motivated by your weights I also did 5 rep front squats and hit 137# for 5 reps.....felt like I had more so next time I'll go up!!!

I have been doing a linear type of programming for all of my runners starting with a 5x5 of each of the strength lifts and then adding weight each time we repeat that lift. We've done Shoulder Presses, Front Squats, Box Squats, and Deadlifts......
You WILL get stronger and with that will come speed and feeling stronger on the trails :)

I am hoping that each of you have been serious about dialing in your diets as well as getting enough rest every night. I know life gets busy and we can name at least 20 excuses every day for why we can't eat the right foods.....but if we're going to train at all, shouldn't we be reaching for the very best that we can be??? Giving your all for just that hour of training then not eating the right foods is counterproductive to say the least. Your body NEEDS the clean nutrition to repair muscles and fuel your next training session. Many of you are doing double days (CrossFit in the morning then running in the afternoon) or running lots of miles.....if you are not diligent about refueling every 3 hours with protein, good carbohydrates and healthy fats you will have a hard time recovering before the next training session. I have taught each of you how to eat clean and the foods you should be stocking up on, so I KNOW you know what to do. Starting is the hard part - but once you gain momentum it's the easiest thing to keep moving. The way you feel will fuel the fire to keep going!

Post to comments how you eat every day. What's the easiest foods? Any tips to share with eachother would be great....we are in this together.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Paleo Burritos...

"Paleo Burritos" AKA stuffed collard greens
I recently discovered another use for collard leaves, a replacement for our old friend known as tortillas or wraps. After removing the stems and taking a quick 3 to 5 minute bath in boiling water they are ready to go. They are more durable than lettuce and fold over a little easier after being boiled. I have used them to make a variety of lunchmeat and grilled chicken wraps recently and then I got to thinking, couldn't I make a burrito out of them? Once I assembled them, it reminded me more of stuffed cabbage than burritos, call it whatever you want, they were still yummy. So, I'll share the recipe with you.

This recipe should be considered a guide and you can change and swap any way you wish.

Approximately 4 collard leaves
1 lb ground turkey
1/2 yellow onion sliced thin
1 green bell pepper sliced thin
1 4 oz can green chiles
1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes
the following spices can be added to your taste (I don't measure)
chilli powder
garlic powder
cayenne pepper

I started by removing the stems from the collard greens, making 2 "wraps" out of each leaf, then placed them in boiling water (just enough to cover barley the leaves no need to fill the whole pot) for about 3 to 5 minutes and then set them aside.

Saute the onion and bell pepper in a little olive oil (you can use whatever fat you want, coconut oil, bacon fat) after about 2 minutes I added the ground turkey and stirred it until well broken up and cooked throughout. Then I added the tomatoes (save about a 1/2 cup to top them with later) and diced chiles. Stir all of this together and then add the spices, allow it to simmer for about another 5 minutes so the tomato sauce heats up and the flavors combine. Turn the heat off, get out your baking dish and line up your collard leaves. Place a spoonful of the turkey mix in the middle of the leaf and then roll it up as you would a tortilla and continue until you run out of leaves or turkey. Once all your wraps are all nestled nice and cozy in the dish, top with remaining tomatoes that you saved earlier (or even some of the turkey mix if you ran out of leaves and still have some mix left) and bake at 375 for about 15 minutes, just enough to warm the burritos up and get those leaves nice and toasty.

Again, the finished product looks more like stuffed cabbage, but the flavors are definitly burrito-ish. :)

The Paleo Diet For Athletes by Dr. Loren Cordain...

I highly recommend you ALL buy this book! I've read it at least 4 times and continue to refer to it to dial in my nutrition according to what I am training for, how much I am running, lifting, etc.....

© 2005 Loren Cordain, PhD and Joe Friel, MS 
The  Paleo  Diet  for  Athletes  was  released  in 
October,  2005  from  Rodale  Press.  Written  by  Loren 
Cordain,  Ph.D.,  author  of  The  Paleo  Diet,  and  Joe 
Friel, M.S., author of numerous best­selling books 
on  training  for  endurance  athletes,  the  book  appli es  the  concept  of  eating  as  our 
Stone  Age  ancestors  ate  to  the  extraordinary  demands  of  training  for  serious 
endurance  sports.  Although  it  is  now  the  21 st  century,  athletes  still  have  Old  Stone 
Age (Paleolithic) bodi es. There has been no si gnificant change in the human genome 
in the past 10,000 years. Physiologically speaking, we are still Paleolithic athletes. 
The  basic  premise  of  Dr.  Cordain’s  research  on  paleolithic  nutrition  is  that  certain 
foods  are  optimal   for  humans  and  others  are  non­optimal .  The  optimal   foods  are 
those  that  we  have  been  eating  for  most  of  our  time  on  Earth—more  than  4  million 
years.  Only  in  the  last  10,000  years,  a  mere  bli nk  of  the  eye  relative  to  our  species’ 
existence,  have  we  been  eati ng  non­optimal   foods.  Unfortunately,  these  foods 
comprise  the  bulk  of  what  western  society  eats  today  and  include  such  foods  as 
grains,  dairy  and  legumes.  Gi ven  that  our  bodi es  have  not  changed,  we  are  simpl y 
not  well ­adapted  to  these  non­opti mal   foods  and  they  moderate  health  and  peak 
On  the  other  hand,  we  have  been  eating  optimal   foods  –  vegetables,  fruits,  and  lean 
animal   protein  –  for  hundreds  of  thousands  of  years  and  we  are  fully  adapted  to 
them.  Science  tells  us  that  these  foods  also  best  meet  our  nutritional  needs.  Eat 
these  and  you will thrive. Avoid or strictly limit them and  your health and performance 
will be compromised. 
Serious athletes,  however,  when  it  comes  to  immediatel y  before,  during,  and  directl y 
after  workouts,  need  to  bend  the  rules  of  the  Pal eo  Diet  a  bit  since  we're  placing 
demands  on  the  body  that  were  not  normal   for  our  Stone  Age  ancestors.  Hour  after 
hour of sustained high energy  output and  the need for quick recovery are  the  serious 
athlete’s  unique  demands.  This  requires  some  latitude  to  use  non­optimal  foods  on  a 
limited  basis.  The  exceptions  may  best  be  described  by  expl aining  the  athlete’s  5 
stages of daily eating relative to exercise. 
Stage I: Eating Before Exercise 
In  brief,  we  recommend  that  athletes  eat  low  to  moderate  glycemic  index 
carbohydrates  at  least  two  hours  prior  to  a  hard  or  long  workout  or  race.  There  may 
al so be some fat and protein in this meal. All foods should be low i n fiber. Take in 200 
to  300  calories  for  every  hour  remai ning  until  exercise  begins.  If  eating  two  hours
prior i s not possible, then take i n  200  or so  calories 10 minutes  before  the workout or 
race begins. 
Stage II: Eating During Exercise 
During  long  or  hard  workouts  and  races  you  will  need  to  take  in  high  glycemic  index 
carbohydrates  mostly  in  the  form  of  fl ui ds.  Sports  drinks  are  fine  for  this.  Find  one 
that  you  like  the  taste  of  and  will  drink  willingly.  Reali ze  that  events  lasting  less  than 
about  an  hour  (including  war m­up)  don’t  require  any  carbohydrate. Water  will  suffice 
for  these.  A  starting point  for  deciding how  much  to  take in  is 200  to  400  calories  per 
hour  modified  according  to  body  size,  experience  and  the  nature  of  the  exercise 
(longer events require more cal ories than short). 
Stage III: Eating Immediately After 
In  the  first  30  minutes  post­workout  (but  only  after  long  and/or  highly  intense 
exercise)  and  post­race  use  a  recovery  drink  that  contains  both  carbohydrate  and 
protein  in  a  4­5:1  ratio.  You  can  buy  a  commercial   product  such  as  Ultrafit 
Recovery™  (www.ultrafit.com)  for  thi s.  Or  you  can  make  your  own  by  bl ending  16 
ounces  of  fruit  jui ce  with  a  banana,  3  to  5  tabl espoons  of  glucose  (such  as  Carbo­ 
Pro) depending on body size,  about 3  tablespoons  of protein  powder, especially from 
egg  or  whey  sources  and  two  pi nches  of  salt.  This  30­minute  window  is  critical  for 
recovery. It should be your highest priority after a hard workout or race. 
Stage IV: Eating for Extended Recovery 
For  the  next  few  hours  (as  long  as  the  preceding  challenging  exercise  lasted) 
continue  to  focus  your  diet  on  carbohydrates,  especi ally  moderate  to  hi gh  glycemic 
load  carbohydrates  along  with  protein  at a  4­5:1  carb­protein ratio. Now is the  time  to 
eat non­optimal  foods such as  pasta, bread, bagel s, rice,  corn  and other foods rich in 
gl ucose  as  they contribute  to the necessary carbohydrate  recovery process. Perhaps 
the perfect Stage IV foods are raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. 
Stage V: Eating for Long­Term Recovery 
For the remai nder of your day, or until your next Stage  I,  return to eating a Pal eo  Diet 
by  focusing  on  optimal   foods.  For  more  information  on  the  Paleo  Diet  go  to 
www.thepal eodiet.com or read The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, Ph.D. 
The macronutrient requirement changes with the demands of the trai ning season and 
so  should  be  periodized  along  with  training.  We  recommend  that  athletes  mai ntain  a 
rather  consistent  protein  intake  year  round.  As  a  percentage  of  total  calories  this  will 
typi cally  be  in  the  range  of  20­25%  for  athletes.  This  is  on  the  low  end  of  what  our 
Stone  Age  ancestors  ate  due  to  the  athlete’s  increased  intake  of  carbohydrate  in 
Stages I to IV whi ch dilutes protein as a percentage of daily calories. 
On  the  other  hand,  periodization  of  diet  produces  significant  and  opposing  swings  in 
the  athlete’s  fat  and  carbohydrate  intake  as  the  training  seasons  change.  During  the 
base  (general  preparation)  period  the  diet  shi fts  toward  an  increased  intake  of  fat 
whi le  carbohydrate  intake  decreases.  At  this  ti me  in  the  season  when  a  purpose  of 
training is  to  promote  the  body’s use  of  fat  for  fuel,  more  healthy  fat is  consumed—in
the  range  of  30%  of  total  calories—with  carbohydrate  intake  at  around  50%.  During 
the  build  and  peak  (specific  preparation)  periods  the  intensity  of  training  increases 
pl acing  greater  demands  on  the  body  for  carbohydrate  to  fuel  exercise.  At  this  latter 
ti me  of  the  season  Stages  III  and  IV  become  increasingl y  critical  to  the  athlete’s 
recovery.  Carbohydrate  intake  increases  accordingly  to  around  60%  of  total  calories 
with fat intake dropping to around 20%. 
During  times  of  the  year  when  training  is  greatly  reduced  (peaking/tapering  and 
transition  periods)  the  athlete  must  limit  caloric  intake  to  prevent  unwanted  wei ght 
Heal th  and  fitness  are  not  synonymous.  Unfortunately,  many  athletes  are  fit  but 
unhealthy.  Frequent  illness,  injury  and  overtraining  reduce  performance  potential. 
The  Paleo  Diet  for  Athletes  significantly  improves  health long  term.  Compared  with 
the commonly accepted athlete’s diet, the Paleo Diet: 
●  Increases  intake  of  branched  chain  amino  aci ds  (BCAA).  Benefits  muscl e 
development  and  anabolic  function.  Also  counteracts immunosuppression  common 
in endurance athletes following extensive exercise. 
●  Decreases  omega­6:omega­3  ratio.  Reduces  tissue  inflammations  common  to 
athletes whil e  promoting healing. This may  incl ude asthmati c conditions  common in 
●  Lowers  body  acidity.  Reduces  the  cataboli c  effect  of  acidosis  on  bone  and  muscl e 
whi le  stimul ating  muscl e  protein  synthesis.  Thi s  is  increasingly  important  with 
●  Is  hi gh  in  trace  nutrients.  Vitamins  and  minerals  are  necessary  for  optimal   heal th 
and  long­term  recovery  from  exercise.  The  most  nutrient­dense  foods  are 
vegetables  and  seafood.  On  average,  vegetables  have  nearly  twice  the  nutrient 
density of grains. 

Training  for  endurance  sports  such  as  running,  cycling,  triathlon,  rowing,  swimming, 
and  cross­country  skiing  places  great  demands  on  the  body,  and  the  athlete  is  in 
some  stage  of  recovery  almost  continuously  during  periods  of  heavy  training.  The 
keys  to  optimum  recovery  are  sleep  and  diet.  Even  though  we  recommend  that 
everyone  eat  a  diet  similar  to  what  our  Stone  Age  ancestors  ate,  we  realize  that 
nutritional concessions must  be made  for the  athlete who  is training at  a  high volume 
in  the range of 10 to 35 or more  hours per week  of  rigorous exercise.  Rapid  recovery 
is  the  biggest  issue  facing  such  an  athlete.  While  it’s  not  impossible  to  recover  from 
such  training  loads  on  a  strict  Paleo  Diet,  it  is  somewhat  more  difficult  to  recover 
quickly.  By  modifying  the  diet  before,  during,  and  immediately  following  challenging 
workouts,  the  Paleo  Diet  provides  two  benefits  sought  by  all  athletes:  quick  recovery 
for the next workout, and superior health for the rest of your life. 
For more information on The Paleo Diet for Athletes go to… 
www.thepal eodiet.com 
www.trai ningbible.com

This Weeks Work.....

Wednesday Bo worked on high rep back squats. He hit a PR at 185# for 10 reps! UNBROKEN! Thats up from his last recorded effort of 165 :) Great work BO!

On Friday Bo continued the week of savage workouts with heavy Full clean thrusters and skill building muscle ups. He learned the transition of the muscle up by using the bands like a swing and working the dive through the top of the rings and pressing out the dip. Great work!

Carlos and Michele also continued the gnarley week of training and worked High rep deadlifts on Thursday. Carlos did 12 reps unbroken at 245! ( his old was 225), and Michele hit a huge PR at 85# unbroken for 12 reps. (Her old was 75#) Way to go guys! They finished their strength section with a hard 8 minute AMRAP sprint partner WOD of max thrusters, walking lunges and burpees. You guys worked hard and were movng EVERY MINUTE of those 8 minutes!!!

Jeff hit a HUGE PR Friday n his shoulder pressing 5x5 ending at 80# for 5 reps unbroken, (his old recorded effort was 65# for 3 reps!!) And earlier in the week he hit a huge back squat PR for 135# unbroken for 10 reps!!! I can tell that he has been eating good - dialing the diet in. His breathing gets better, strength goes through the roof and fitness improves!!!

Matt hit a 10 rep deadlift PR at 5am on Thursday.....lifting 185# ( his old effort was 175#)
Marian hit a PR in her 10 rep unbroken deadlift as well....lifting a staggering 162#!!! Way to use those glutes girl!
Corinne PRd on her Box Squat 5x5 at 95# across. ( her old effort was 80#)!!!